(c) To bring and prosecute, and to defend any legal or other proceedings, to compromise, settle abandon, or refer to arbitration, any such proceedings, or any claim by or against the Association and to give time to any debtor of the Association.
(d) To invest or otherwise deal with the moneys of the Association not immediately required upon such securities and in such manner as they think fit, and from time to time to vary or realize such investment.
(e) To raise or borrow any monies required for the purpose of the Association upon such terms and on such securities as may be determined and to secure the repayment of or raise any such sum or sums as aforesaid by mortgage or charge upon the whole or any part of the property and assets of the Association.
(f) From time to time to make, vary and repeal by-laws for the regulation of affairs of the Association, its officers and servants provided always that any decisions made by the Executive Committee pursuant to this sub-clause may be set aside by a resolution of a general meeting.
(g) To make, fulfill, rescind, modify, or vary and contract, and to do all such acts and things as they may think expedient for the purpose of the Association.
(h) To pay all costs, charge and expenses of and incidental to carrying out of the object for which the Association is established.
(i) To appoint, suspend and remove the secretary, cashier, clerks, agents and servants and may fix their remuneration and determine their duties.
(j) To approve or disapprove application for membership and to admit or expel persons as members of the Association in accordance with the provisions hereof.
43. Save and except the Executive Committee formed upon the incorporation of the Association or an Executive Committee Member appointed by the Executive Committee to fill a casual vacancy, or a candidate nominated by the Executive Committee for the election at a general meeting of the Association, an Executive Committee Member must be a duly appointed representative of a Corporate Member of the Association which must have been a member continuously for at least six calendar months immediately before its representative can be elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Association.
44. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be the chief executive in managing the affairs of the Association. He shall chair all meetings of the Association. He shall report to the members in general meetings the activities and other matters of the Association.
45. The Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee shall take the chair of a general meeting of the Association, if the Chairman shall not be present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or is unwilling to act as chairman. If there is more than one Vice Chairman, the Vice Chairmen present shall choose one of their own number to be chairman of the meeting.
46. The Secretary General of the Association shall be responsible in keeping the seal, the documents and the true record of the Association.
47. The Secretary General of the Association shall be responsible in preparing agenda of meetings, taking minutes of meetings and serving the appropriate notices of the meetings to members of the Association and general correspondence of the Association.
48. The Honorary Treasurer of the Association shall be responsible in preparing the budget of the Association for the year, in preparing a proper account of the financial conditions of the Association, in preparing the annual financial report of the Association for laying before the Association in general meeting and caused a copy of said annual financial report of the Association together with a copy of the directors' report and a copy of the auditors' report to be sent to every member of the Association not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting.