西故山 > 旅游 > 国外旅游 > 美国旅游签证要用的中英文旅游行程单(含预算)


来源:网络转载 2014-04-21 11:44 编辑: 网络 查看:

New York Arv: May 11, 2012
Dep: May 15, 2012 New York→Shanghai By China Eastern Airlines
Flight 588
About $950/2person 自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)
华尔街(Wall Street)
联合国总部(United Nations Headquarters)
峭石之巅(Top of the Rock)(洛克菲勒中心)
第五大道(Fifth Avenue)
时代广场(Times Square)
University of New Haven(attend friend's commencement)
购物 Shopping:Woodbury Outlet
  Morningside Inn
235 West 107 Street, New York City, New York, USA, 10025