西故山 > 旅游 > 风土人情 > 关于语言文化和风土人情的英语手抄报


来源:网络转载 2014-03-15 18:50 编辑: 网络 查看:


Mainly in Tibet, Tibetans , the rest in Qinghai, Gansu , Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. Tibetan Lamaism many letters .
Presented " hada " is the Tibetan for guests most common and solemn ceremony , the longer offered hada wide , which means that the more grand manners . His Holiness , the elders , hada time to hand over his head , the body slightly forward , the seat hada Pengdao

  Tibetan style
Before . On the same generation , as long as the hand or wrist Hadad sent to the other party on the line ; pair of juniors or subordinates , they tied around their necks . If you do not bow or with a single hand delivery , are impolite. Who accepts hada hada best people to do the same and posture , and expressed gratitude.
Tibetans in greeting , the cordial greetings tongue nod , smile and nod Shouli for the ceremony should be . Have guests come to visit , Tibetans are waiting in the off-balance mesh greet guests visit. Tibetans see the elderly or respected guests , 45 degree bend to hat , a hat in your hand close to the ground ; see the same generation , the head slightly lower on the line, take a hat in the chest, to show courtesy . Men and women sit and sit customary male left female sitting Right .
Tibetans have presented to the guests tea, butter tea and barley in rituals . Guests to the Tibetan house guests , the host should respect three cups of barley wine , whether guests will not drink , should play it with the ring finger dipped in wine . If guests do not drink , do not play , the owner will immediately reach for the wine , singing and dancing , urging people to come . If guests a small amount of alcohol , you can drink one , let Tim wine . Even drink two drink , fill up the cup by the owner , guests gulp. Thus, the guests drink much, the owner is also very satisfied . According to Tibetan custom, butter tea masters presented , guests can not refuse , drink at least three bowls , drink the more popular.
King buttered tea etiquette is : Guests sit in Tibetan side table, the hostess took a small wooden bowl inlaid silver edge on front of the guests , then put pot or thermos to the guests pour buttered bowl full , subject and object start chatting ; other female master mention pot, guests can Picking come to the bowl gently blowing around, then sip and said some words of praise tea play well ; such third mention pot hostess , guests sip on the second port wine ; guests leave, you can drink a few mouthfuls , but can not drink it , the bowl must leave floating flower tea pastry bottom .
Tibetan most taboo others stroking statues, scriptures , prayer beads and amulets and other sacred objects , that is the ban violated regulations unfavorable to humans and animals .
Uighurs living mainly in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , to profess Islam. Uighur attaches great importance to courtesy , hospitality meet habit hand on the center of the chest , the body forward 30 degrees, or shaking hands and kept saying: " Hello ." Guests sat on the floor , not for straight legs , feet toward the people ; courtyard open the door to taboo West , taboo legs when sleeping head east west, so assign them

  Uygur clothing
Room , placed bedding and pillows , with particular attention. Avoid casually approached the stove, water tanks and so on.
Pay attention to hygiene, frequent direct rinse under the tap hands, face. To Uighur guest house , before the door and use the kettle before meals to guests hostess Wash hands, generally washed three times. Habits of a person dedicated cup , do not change during their stay . When first time to the cup , be in front of my face , put the cup disinfected before use.
Sit in the house , when to kneel , bogey for straight legs , feet toward the people .
After dinner there are elderly people led to do " all -watt " when , avoid looking around or stand up .
In the diet, like milk tea , eat Nang , like to eat ramen and buns as well as " stewed whole sheep ", " lamb ", " kebabs ", " sheep, beef fried dumpling ." Kebabs are the nation 's most famous snacks. Meal will drink wine , big drinker . Taboo to eat pork , dog , mule meat, pigeons.
Avoid short clothes , blouses generally knee , trousers to the foot , very sensitive to outdoor wear shorts.
Eid , Gul helped Festival is a grand festival tradition , regardless of gender and age like wearing four flute flower hat . Their favorite sport is an aerial artistry take the big rope .
Mongolian , live mainly in Inner Mongolia. Faith Lamaism , herders wearing trim robe wrapped around his head wearing a hat or cloth belt hanging snuff bottle , wearing boots , many live in yurts .

  Mongolian customs and drinking
Mongolian traditional etiquette , mainly hada , handed snuff bottle , fitted smoke and asked the other , of course, bow and handshake ceremony. Hada etiquette and Tibetan same. Mongolian herders are very welcoming etiquette . Guests are requested to enter the yurt , always stand at the door the west side , right hand on the chest slightly bowed , left hand door , guests go first. Guests knelt , the owner at shallow tea rituals full of enthusiasm for wine laid on tea and wine , and put Hada Tuo was dedicated to the guests .
When the owner took the milk wine , the most decent way to toast in accordance with the Mongols , the left hand cup with his right ring finger dipped in a drop of wine bomb to the head side , which means that the first heaven , second drop bombs Gravitropism , which means that Jide , p. three drops of wine to the front of the bomb , which means that ancestors first , then drank it . If guests do not drink, as long as the glass on the table respectfully on it.
Entertain visitors with a good feast mutton and all the sheep seats. If you are a guest, the owner will be set to entertain you all the sheep seats , said the owner of respect for you . Mongolian taboo to eat dog meat , do not eat fish and other seafood , and poultry offal and fat. Visitor , the owners take guests to Monte bag outside or local boundaries.
Passing yurt when to Qingqi slowly, so as not to disturb the herd . Into the yurt before , put the horse whip on the outside , otherwise , it will be regarded as the owner of disrespect. From the left into the door , into the package , accompanied by the owner sat on the right ; go away from the pack when the original route .
A yurt , do not immediately on the right car, go a way , and so the owner went back , and then on the right car.
If the yurt with a rope tied to the left front , a rope buried in the ground , indicating that a patient yurts , the owner can not hospitality .
Festival is the Mongolian traditional programs , usually in the Lunar July and August held the Mongolian People's annual grand mass rally. Danian and small was more important Mongolian festival ( Danian is the Spring Festival , a small in twelfth lunar month 23 ) .
Is the world's most populous Muslim minority .
Hui about 1 /3 of the population live in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region , the rest scattered around the country . They believe in Islam .
Hui people respect for the elderly , disabled room inside bogey put pigskin , bristles and other products.
Hui great attention and respect other people's self-esteem , show consideration for others face, do not shout nickname.
" Imam " is a mosque presided over the Senate , is very popular with Muslims and Muslim people 's respect. In the reception , if they pray , can not be disturbed. Jiyong left hand delivered items. 


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