西故山 > 情感 > office恋情 > 爱情也有诀窍:让男生爱上你的20个小技巧(2)


来源:网络转载 2014-04-03 16:40 编辑: 网络 查看:

  As I said before, guys like a girl with a sense of humor. The best way to show you value humor is to laugh at his jokes, but I always try to crack a few jokes myself, too. Guys are drawn to girls with a funny side, and there’s nothing that draws two people closer than sharing a laugh. So, I always bust out a few comments or funny one-liners when I’m trying to draw a guy to me。如刚才我所提到的,男生喜欢有幽默感的女生。显示你有幽默感的最好方法就是用笑来回应他说的笑话,不过我也经常试着自己讲几个笑话。男生喜欢懂得幽默的女生,另外也没有什么比一起大笑更能拉近两人距离的事情了。


  Guys love physical touch, and touching someone is a quick way to develop intimacy. When I’m trying to attract a guy’s attention, I will look for ways to bring physical touch into play. For instance, I touch his arm lightly when I’m laughing at a joke, or I’ll slap him on the knee playfully if he says something funny, or I’ll touch his hand while I’m explaining something。男生喜欢身体接触,身体上的触碰能够让两人更加亲密。当我想要吸引男生注意力的时候,我就会想办法发展一些身体接触。例如,当我听到笑话大小的时候我会轻轻地接触到他的肩膀,或者他在说一件趣事时我会拍拍他的大腿,或者我会在向他解释一个事物时碰碰他的手。

  11. BRING HIM A TREAT给他一点小礼物

  The old saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach isn’t just an old saying for no reason- it’s totally true! I always bake a little treat for a guy when I’m trying to make him fall in love with me, and then I just surprise him with it on a random day. When my husband and I were first dating, I left a bag of treats in his locker before every football game. He just loved it!有话说得好,想要抓住男人的心,先要抓住男人的胃。这句话之所以经典并不是没有理由的——这句话说得太对了!当我想要让男生爱上我时,我总会给他烤一个小蛋糕,在随便哪一天出其不意地送给他。当我和我丈夫最初开始交往的时候,我会在每场足球赛之前在他的储物柜里放上一小袋吃的。他爱死这些东西了!


  When a guy’s trying to determine if you’re girlfriend material, he will test you a little bit. My advice at this point is to give him his freedom, and that will send him right back for more. In my experience, if any guy every got the impression that I’d try to tie him down, he’d be gone lightening fast. So, let your guy know that you value and respect his time with his friends, playing sports, or whatever it is he does in his spare time。男生有时会测试一下女生,看看她是否适合做女朋友。我的建议是,给他一点自由的空间,这样他就会马上回到你的身边。根据我的经验来看,男生只要一开始觉得我想要束缚他,他就会飞也似地逃走。所以你要让男生知道他和朋友在一起的时,参加体育活动时,或是他想在闲暇时间做其他任何事时,你都会重视并且尊重他的想法。