西故山 > 情感 > 情感实录 > 双语翻译:520之后情侣之间还要做的事儿(2)


来源:网络转载 2016-10-19 19:16 编辑: www.xigushan.com 查看:

  There is plenty of pressure from the outside world to be perfect—the perfect body, the perfect disposition, to be the most successful. A romantic relationship should be a safe place, so reassure your partner that he/she is attractive, loveable, and accomplished.


  13. Travel together


  Exploring a new location, soaking up the sun, and trying new restaurants can help you further the bond of your relationship. If you travel via car to said destination, there is bound to be lots of conversations. You will surely get to know each other much better.


  14. Be willing to work


  The final is a must. Relationships can be fun, but you also may encounter rough times. You must work through this to make your bond deeper and come out the other side stronger and happier than ever.


  There might not be as much stress if you are not in a romantic relationship, but you certainly will not find the benefits of truly sharing life and love with someone if you don’t take the plunge!



