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来源:网络转载 2014-08-03 02:41 编辑: 网络 查看:

英文:Of Tang 玄 the medium cheerful monarch which is a Tang Dynasty, 睿 the third son.Because in order to go to way big saint big and clear filial piety emperor, 谥 number so also be called clear 皇 .Martial have political ability, open a dollar period text to cure fighting skill vigorous, a life time is called "open a dollar to cure".The day dotes on a jade bracelet after the treasure, sealing for the imperial concubine, the jade bracelet head of family is all suddenly expensive, power 倾 world.And the mountain of Anne 禄 is anti-, the 玄 leaves, going to a horse 嵬 ascent, six soldiers aren't willing to go ago, calling country 忠 in the non-Han nationalities, but having anti- mountain of Anne 禄 , the 玄 was a ream to kill country 忠 .Six soldiers aren't willing to go ago again, calling the country 忠 as the imperial concubine cousin, cousin's guilty, cousin as well unavoidably, the imperial concubine was as well hanged to death in the road ancestral temple.The 玄 refuge rushes 蜀 , empress the 肃 ascend the throne in work properly force, is an emperor's father.Reign for 43 years.The 玄 likes song and dance music, once teaching song and dance in the theater, so future generations it is 伶 the person's ancestors.Clay-cold 玄 temple. 中文:唐玄宗是唐代的中兴君主,睿宗的第三子。因谥号为至道大圣大明孝皇帝,故亦称为明皇。英武有才略,开元时期文治武功鼎盛,世称为「开元之治」。天宝后,宠爱杨杨玉环,封为贵妃,杨玉环父兄均骤贵,势倾天下。及安禄山反,玄宗出奔,至马嵬坡,六军不肯前行,谓杨国忠通于胡人,而有安禄山之反,玄宗乃令杀国忠。六军又不肯前行,谓杨国忠为贵妃堂兄,堂兄有罪,堂妹亦难免,贵妃亦被缢死于路祠。玄宗避难奔蜀,后肃宗即位于灵武,尊为太上皇。在位四十三年。玄宗喜爱歌舞音乐,曾于梨园教歌舞,所以后世尊其为伶人之祖师爷。死后庙号玄宗。