西故山 > 生活 > 日常保养 > PortraitofanActress女演员肖像(4)


来源:网络转载 2014-08-03 16:17 编辑: 网络 查看:


But once more the expression on that serious face changes. She works like a slave—none harder. But she is quick to tell Mr. Shaw that she does not work with her brain only. She is not in the least clever. Indeed, she is happy she tells him, ‘not to be clever’. She stresses the point with a jab of her pen. ‘You clever people’, as she calls him and his friends, ‘miss so much, mar so much’. As for education, she never had a day’s schooling in her life. As far as she can see, but the problem baffles her, the main spring of her art is imagination. Visit madhouses, if you like; take notes; observe; study endlessly. But first, imagine. And so she takes her part away from the books out into the woods. Rambling down grassy rides, she lives her part until she is it. If a word jars or grates, she must re-think it, rewrite it. Then when every phrase is her own, and every gesture spontaneous, out she comes on to the stage and is Imogen, Ophelia, Desdemona.


 But is she, even when the great moments are on her, a great actress? She doubts it. ‘I cared more for love and life,’ she says. Her face, too, has been no help to her. She cannot sustain emotion. Certainly she is not a great tragic actress. Now and again, perhaps, she has acted some comic part to perfection. But even while she analyses herself, as one artist to another, the sun slants upon an old kitchen chair. 'thank the Lord for my eyes!’ she exclaims. What a world of joy her eyes have brought her! Gazing at the old ‘rush-bottomed, sturydy-legged, wavy-backed’ chair, the stage is gone, the limelight are out, the famous actress is forgotten.


 Which, then, of all these women is the real Ellen Terry? How are we to put the scattered sketches together? Is she mother, wife, cook, critic, actress, or should she have been, after all, a painter? Each part seems the right part until she throws it aside and plays another. Something of Ellen Terry it seems overflowed every part and remained unacted. Shakespeare could not fit her; nor Ibsen; nor Shaw. The stage could not hold her; nor the nursery. But there is, after all, a greater dramatist than Shakespeare, Ibsen, or Shaw. There is Nature. Here is so vast a stage, and so innumerable a company of actors, that for the most part she fobs them off with a tag or two. They come on and they go off without breaking the ranks. But now and again Nature creates a new part, an original part. The actors who act that part always defy our attempts to name them. They will not act the stock parts—they forget the words, they improvise others of their own. But when they come on the stage falls like a pack of cards and the limelight are extinguished. That was Ellen Terry’s fate—to act a new part. And thus while other actors are remembered because they were Hamlet, Phedre, or Cleopatra, Ellen Terry is remembered because she was Ellen Terry.