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来源:网络转载 2017-06-04 14:11 编辑: www.xigushan.com 查看:


2017年06月04日 14:08:04




Third, it is increasingly visible that the Belt and Road Initiative serves the interests of all parties. As the proposer and promoter of the initiative, China insists on a more balanced approach to upholding principles and pursuing interests and calls for a cooperative principle of equality and mutual benefit. Through joint efforts, the project is well on its way to making remarkable achievements and delivering tangible benefits to the people along the routes. Facts show that the Belt and Road initiative is open, pragmatic and mutually beneficial. It helps find common interest between China and countries along the routes, while addressing their specific needs. It bears the common aspirations of people in the region to live prosperously and combines the Chinese dream with the dreams of those along the routes. All relevant countries need to continue their collaboration of development strategies, seek the common denominator in cooperation and find the point of convergence for all parties. We should make the cake of common interests bigger and bring well-being to all along the Belt and Road.




Institutions clash over pregnant woman's death搞笑古诗大全笑死人Chinese aspects of a new year trip abroad

The report was jointly issued on Sunday by the Zhongmin Social Assistance Institute, a non-government organization committed to theoretical studies on social welfare, and Toutiao.com, a popular online content aggregator. The paper's release falls on the same day as the Chongyang Festival, China's national holiday for the elderly.The meeting also stressed measures to improve the country's business environment. More efforts are needed to create a level playing field for both domestic and foreign companies, the statement said.



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