西故山 > 奢品 > 奢华前沿 > 中国手机厂商争相推出高配智能手机抢占高端市场


来源:网络转载 2014-03-28 11:08 编辑: 网络 查看:

  元器件交易网讯 3月28日消息,据业内人士透露,为与一线厂商在高端市场竞争,中国手机厂商都相继推出更高硬件配置的智能手机,例如分辨率达到2560X1440的QHD(Quad High Definition)级别的手机屏幕和5000万像素的摄像头。其中Vivo推出其最新高端机型Xplay 3S,它的屏幕为QHD级别。OPPO的新款旗舰机型Find 7 屏幕级别同前者相同,摄像头为5000万像素。


  (元器件交易网 白玉涛)


  China-based handset vendors are rolling out smartphones with higher hardware specifications such as 2560 by 1440 (QHD) displays and 50-megapixel cameras in order to compete with first-tier vendors in the high-end segment, according to industry sources.

  The continual upgrade of hardware specifications by China-based handset vendors comes as major vendors including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Sony Mobile Communications and HTC appear to have stopped competition for hardware specifications, using mostly 1080p displays, instead of QHD models, for their latest flagship models, the sources noted.

  The low yield rates for QHD displays and concerns of insufficient supply have discouraged first-tier vendors from using the displays, the sources indicated.

  China-based vendor Vivo launched recently its latest high-end model, the Xplay 3S, which sports a display with 2560 by 1440 resolution. Fellow company Oppo has also rolled out a new flagship model, the Find 7, featuring a 2560 by 1440 display and 50-megapixel camera.