索取号: G633.34/4.141 密级: 公 开
教 育 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文
作 者: 王 德 坤
院 系: 文 学 院
指导教师: 何永康 教授
学科专业: 学科教学(语文)
日 期:
日 期:
摘 要
【关 键 词】 高中作文 学生自改 学生自批 指导策略
The Modern Learning Theory is the New Chinese Curri Criterion which points out the new direction for the reform of position teaching. The low efficiency of correcting and evaluating the positions is one of the main problems in position teaching. In order to solve the problem, I think we should begin with the strategy research of correcting and evaluating. The strategy includes the strategy of correcting and that of evaluating. The former strategy guides the students to record and to arrange the mistakes and the defect by using the way of classifying card for correction in the aspect of words, sentences, and punctuation as well as guides the students to find out the defect and to correct the defect using the way of asking themselves , the way of setting aside , the way of publishing, the way of cases and so on in the aspect of the structure of writing and the main idea of the passages. The latter guides the students to appraise the good ranks or the bad ranks as well as the high grades or the low grades by using the way of reading aloud in the aspect of quantitative evaluation and guides the students to evaluate the merits and the demerits using the way of correcting and evaluating one another and to exchange the students’ achievements by using the way of qualititative evaluation. It guides the students to indite the annotation using the principle of appreciation, the principle of guide , the principle of allusion, the principle of discussion, the principle of inspiration and the principle of sincerity, etc. in the aspect of the annotation as well. The directing process of the students’ correcting on their own is in progress gradually from the easy questions to the hard questions which shows the position of the main body and the spirit of the New Curri Criterion, making the students the owners and beneficiaries of correcting.
【key words】the position of High School
position Correcting of the students themselves
position Evaluating of the students themselves
Guiding Strategy
目 录
前言…………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
第一章 由现代学习理论看语文教学和作文批改……………………………………………8
第一节 现代学习理论与语文教学……………………………………………………… 8
一 、行为主义学习理论与语文教学…………………………………………………8
二 、认知主义学习理论与语文教学…………………………………………………9
三 、建构主义学习理论与语文教学……………………………………………… 11
第二节 高中作文批改的原则、内容及方式……………………………………………12
三、作文批改的方式 ……………………………………………………………… 14
第二章 高中生作文自主修改指导策略…………………………………………………… 17
第一节 培养高中生修改作文的自觉性…………………………………………………17
第二节 教给高中生修改作文的方法……………………………………………………18