西故山 > 随笔 > 散文 > 一封信


来源:网络转载 2014-10-07 11:48 编辑: admin 查看:
这个秋天我给你写了封信落叶为笺风作信使你,收到了吗|||许是没有罢因为我看见那片叶趴在湖面上睡着了一粒粒文字已被鱼儿叼走吐成一个个泡泡|||I wrote a letter to you this autumn ,with a leaf being the paper , and the wind being the postman .Have you got it ?|||Maybe you havn't , since I saw the leaf sleeping on the lake . The words on it had been stolen by fish , who gave out bubbles in return .
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