西故山 > 随笔 > 散文 > 我是一匹来自北方的狼


来源:网络转载 2014-10-07 14:24 编辑: admin 查看:
你说我是诗人|||You said I was a poet|||我只能失望的对你说|||I can only be a disappointment to you.|||对不起,你认错了|||Sorry, you are mistaken|||你问我是谁?|||You ask me who I am?|||我可以骄傲的说|||I'm proud that I can say|||我是一匹狼|||I am a wolf|||是一匹来自北方的狼|||Is a wolf from the North|||我是那样凶残暴躁|||I was so vicious|||我是那样狡猾顽强|||I am cunning tenacious|||我从不畏惧狮虎豺豹|||I never fear liger jackals Leopard|||但我害怕人类|||But I'm afraid of human|||那样狡猾善变|||As sly fickle|||那样虚伪贪婪|||That hypocritical greedy|||面对弱小你们欺负|||Facing weak bullied you|||面对强大你们逃避|||In the face of strong you escape|||而我们不管对手如何|||And no matter how our opponent|||我们勇往直前绝不退缩|||We march forward courageously flinching|||我们是真真的热血狼儿|||We are the true blood wolf|||你们说我们狼子野心|||You said you wanted us to be a wolf with a savage heart|||其实我们只为生存|||In fact, we just for survival|||我愿做一直流浪的狼|||I wanna be a stray Wolf|||虽然流浪虽然孤寂|||While wandering although loneliness|||但我永不放弃|||But I will never give up
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