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人生经验 英文怎么说

来源:网络转载 2014-08-11 21:54 编辑: 网络 查看:

life experience 或 human experience 我的人生经验很丰富: I have lots of life experience. 例句: 但是,心理学家已经意识到幸福和个性的关系远比和人生经验的关系更紧密。 Psychologists, however, have learned that happiness is more closely tied to personality than to life experiences. 雕塑是人生经验的隐喻。人生如谜,而我的作品则反映了此一神秘之谜的某种层面。 Sculpture is a metaphor of the human experience. Life is an enigma and my work reflects some aspects of this mystery.