西故山 > 随笔 > 高谈阔论 > 模拟人生3中文版


来源:网络转载 2014-08-11 01:25 编辑: 网络 查看:







Kaching增加§1.000, -到家庭资金


Motherlode增加§50.000, -到家庭资金


Moveobjects on/off移动固定的对象

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off

enablellamas on/off增加乐趣

testingCheatsEnabled true/false能移动需要、转移点击邮箱向变动事业,锁需要等等。

fullscreen on/off全屏窗口切换

hideHeadlineEffects on/off显示或隐藏对话/思想泡泡



slowMotionViz [0-8]动作缓慢,电影制作用

unlockOutfits on/off开启职业制服


familyfunds [家庭名字]金额增加或提取一个选上的家庭的金钱。


resetSim <模拟市民>:在某些情况下模拟市民会被「卡住」,可使用本密技让模拟市民恢复正常。此密技输入后可能要稍待一下,模拟市民才会出现。

fps [on|off]:开启或关闭画面左上角显示的画面更新率讯息

constrainFloorElevation [true|false]:允许忽略地形上的物件、模拟市民和其它建筑物并进行地形调整。墙壁、地板和物件会随着地形更动,允许您创造倾斜的墙面和地板铺设好的地形起伏。不过设置新的墙面和地板仍然会让调整过的地形变平整,放置物件也仍然需要平整的地板。

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on|off]:当开启时,按住ALT键不放,物件便可以不贴齐格线移动。通常用于摆设相当接近的物件,像是桌子与椅子。



Kaching Adds §1.000,- to household funds


Motherlode Adds §50.000,- to household funds


Moveobjects on/off Move unmovable objects


constrainFloorElevation [true/false] Use 'false' to make it possible to raise or lower the floor even when there are objects, flooring or walls on it.

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT

enablellamas [on/off] Ok this is a joke. it's in the cheatlist, but it does nothing. They just added it for fun.

fadeObjects [on/off] Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not affect sims.

testingCheatsEnabled [true/false] Use 'true' to enable debugmode. Can move needs, shift click mailbox to change careers, lock needs, etc.

fps [on/off] Displays framerate in upper right corner


fullscreen [on/off] Self explanatory. You can also change this setting in options by the way.

hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] Shows or hides talk/thought balloons


jokePlease Shows a random joke in the cheat console


quit Exits game


resetSim [first name] [last name] Returns Sim to a safe, neutral state at their home

slowMotionViz [0-8] Puts visuals in slow motion (does not affect in-game time).

unlockOutfits [on/off] Use before going to CAS. It shows career and service uniforms in CAS.


familyfunds [Familyname] # Add or extract money for a chosen family.



Note that most likely there will be many other cheats. They were found by simply typing in Help in the cheatwindow but Motherlode for example wasn't even listed there.

Tomorrow more updates


操作系统:Windows XP SP2或Windows Vista SP1
处理器:XP下Pentium 4 2.0GHz或Athlon XP 2000+、Vista下Pentium 4 2.4GHz或Athlon XP 2400+
显卡:GeForce FX 5900或Radeon 9500