西故山 > 太极 > 太极拳 > 推手技巧及功力训练 上(2碟)DVD

推手技巧及功力训练 上(2碟)DVD

来源:网络转载 2014-06-24 17:36 编辑: 网络 查看:

推手技巧及功力训练,是太极拳整个修炼工程中不可缺少的两个重要组成部分。它既是增强体质、促进健康的手段,又是太极拳懂劲、炼劲、运劲、发劲训练的必修课程。陈照奎先师进过“拳架是推手的基础,推手是检验拳架的试金石。”又说:“太极拳的功夫,技巧占三分,力量占七分。修炼太极拳,在修炼拳架的基础上,还必须进行功力训练、单试训练。” 所以,我们说练习推手和功力训练是不可缺少的、相辅相成的两门功课,我们必须下功夫认真修炼,从而使自己的拳艺从整体上达到一个新的境界。
 Pushing Hand technique and power training is two indispensable integral parts in the complete Tai-Chi practice. It can build up body, improving health condition, moreover, it is the required course of understand energy,practice energy, carry energy and release energy in Tai-Chi. Mr. Chen Zhaokui said, fist movement is the basis of Tai-Chi, and pushing hand is the touchstone of fist movement. He added, Tai-Chi lies in thirty percent of technique and seventy percent of strength. Besides practicing fist movement, one has to carry power training and single movement training. So, we stress that pushing hand and power training are indispensib leand complementary to each other. we must practice hard so that we can get higher achievement in fist Kung-fu.