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清华中文学校 Tsinghua Chinese School

来源:网络转载 2014-06-28 16:27 编辑: 网络 查看:

Tsinghua School  清华中文学校

Larry Tai Chi Centre 栗学尧太极拳锻炼中心

             栗学尧教练/Master Larry Lee,  Saturdays: 10am -12am Tai Chi Quan & Tai Chi Sword

            地址:北校区 (Valley Creek School,10951 Hidden Valley Dr NW)

             岩石教练/Master Rocky, Sundays: 1pm - 2pm Tai Chi Quan

            地址:南校区 (Robert Warren School,12424 Elbow Dr SW)


学习传统太极拳 / Learning Traditional Tai Chi Technique

太极锻炼中心主任,名师教练:栗学尧先生,来自大陆四川成都,杨氏太极世家第六代传人。太极拳术(TAI CHI)是中国的一项传统而独特的武术, 在中国乃至世界各国都有大量的越来越多的人练习, 对其健体强身防病延年的功效给予了充分的肯定。有规律的太极拳锻炼正是一种良好的生活方式。栗学尧先生自幼跟随其父栗子宜大师学习太极拳,包括拳, , , , 推手等。栗子宜是太极拳名师, 是现今流传最广的杨式太极拳第五代传人, 多次获得全国和全省武术比赛的金牌和银牌, 并出版有著作”传统杨式大架太极拳械推手”, ”太极剣”, ”太极刀” 等传世。栗学尧先生至今已习拳40多年,技术精湛在国内外教有弟子数百人,积累了丰富的教学经验。

Tai Chi Center Director, Master trainer: Larry Lee is a sixth generation inheritor of the Yang style Tai Chi, from Chengdu, Sichuan, mainland China. He learned Tai Chi to follow his father Master Ziyi Lee since childhood. He has been learning and practicing Tai Chi including Taichi Quan (boxing), Taichi Sword, Taichi Broad Sward, Taichi Long Lance, Taichi Push Hands, etc., for more than 40 years, meanwhile, Master Lee has taught hundreds of students and disciples in his hometown China, USA and Canada, so he accumulates a wealth of teaching experience for students from beginning to advanced levels. Tai Chi technique is a unique traditional Chinese martial art. In China and many countries of the world more and more people practice Tai Chi everyday. It is fully recognized that Tai Chi can help for physical fitness, quality of inner body and prolong the efficacy of disease prevention. Therefore, practicing Tai Chi regularly becomes a good way of life.  In this course, we will learn from Master Larry Lee to follow up the Tai Chi techniques inherited and created by his father Master Ziyi Lee, who once won national and provincial gold and silver medals, published books of "Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Quan, Sword, Broad Sward, Long Lance and Push Hands" "Tai Chi Swords " and so on.  

太极课程内容 Tai Chi Course
(1) 24式杨氏太极拳/24-form Yang Style Tai Chi

(2) 42式太极剑/42-form Tai Chi Sword

周六时间Time:Saturdays 10am - 11am - 12am - 1pm
地点Address:清华中文学校体育馆 / Valley Creek School (10951 Hidden Valley Dr NW)

学费Course Fee:每次1 hour,每学年$360/year (含教材), 如果学剑则学校赠送太极宝剑一柄/If you learn the course of Tai Chi Sword, you can get a Tai Chi Sword for free of charge.

联系Contact:403-397-8289; 403-397-1572;403-452-8866(office)
Email: tsinghua.school@yahoo.ca 或/or  leexy28@hotmail.com


在线报名请点击报名处 (online registration )


“99太极缘”俱乐部 /Tai Chi Club in Southwest Area



1. 为何能让人们每天坚持打一遍太极拳. 尤其是老了。





太极课程内容 Tai Chi Course
(1) 陈氏太极拳/24-form Chen Style Tai Chi

(2) 太极剑/42-form Tai Chi Sword

周日时间Time: Sundays 1pm - 2pm
地点Address:清华中文学校体育馆 / Robert Warren School (12424 Elbow Dr SW) 


联系Contact:403-397-8289; 403-452-8866(office)
Email: tsinghua.school@yahoo.ca


在线报名请点击报名处 (online registration )