西故山 > 影评 > 演员表 > 【08流行彩妆,HARDCANDY眼影,纯天然矿】湖北武汉08流行彩妆,HARD


来源:网络转载 2015-11-20 16:03 编辑: www.xigushan.com 查看:

这款超眩糖果眼影盒在波谱可爱的,有带点性感的外包装内,装有9款不同色泽的眼影和一把双头眼影刷。是可爱的MM你珍藏的绝好对象。 有兴趣的亲亲可以询问店主哦!可以按原价打折扣,折后价超吸引人哦!是你想不到的超低价! 国内没有的品牌哦,大陆无售! The glossy paper palette features modernist artwork, complete with little windows so the shadows become part of the art! It snaps closed with the help of a super strong magnet, so throw it in your bag and take a little Eye Candy with you.