西故山 > 太极 > 太极心得 > 2011明星金厨旅游美食国际大赛(浙江站)完美谢幕(2)


来源:网络转载 2014-04-08 02:45 编辑: 网络 查看:


The event by the world Chinese Association of healthy eating, the star chefs of the World Federation, Chinese chef network, Federation of Asian Chinese chef, IFBA International Catering Association, Hangzhou red chef hat Restaurant Management Company Limited, Hangzhou Peng planning Catering Management Company Limited, Zhejiang Bo handsome horse industry club, Ningbo love Hotel Skye supplies Limited, Zhengzhou City Red brother Garment Company Limited, Shanghai Zhe-ming recipes production limited company assist do, Hangzhou Ming Court Hotel Management Company Limited, Hangzhou Wan Xi Hotel Management Company Limited, Beijing Haina rainbow tritium planning brokers Limited, Hongkong international kitchen Wang Enterprise Management Limited ( ZGC ), Chinese Food Culture Communication Center hosted an international event, also by the European Chinese Restaurant Association, Federation of international kitchen emperor, global Chinese cold dish Committee, International Federation of French chef, global Chinese restaurant Commission and other units of the strong support.