西故山 > 太极 > 太极心得 > 2011年郑州第三届国际低碳餐饮明星金厨美食表演赛完美谢幕,国际


来源:网络转载 2014-05-08 19:59 编辑: 网络 查看:







By the IFBA International Catering Association, Henan province Leisure Culture Association, China chef, Henan grain Le Grand Large Hotel to host the third session of the international low carbon catering Star Golden kitchen food exhibition Henan station in Henan Henan grain Le Grand Large Hotel ( Zhengzhou City Garden Road No. 20) held a grand ceremony, organizers, leading IFBA International Catering Association executive chairman Chen Xurong in his speech, said: last year in November and March of this year, we successfully held in Beijing the two low carbon catering theme activity, by catering to peer pursued, after intense preparations, we are here today to deduce a with vigour and vitality third food show, she will be the Henan star chef exchange platform! It is a glorious moments, Henan 's food and beverage sector will because of your pride, the purpose of this event is the Henan catering to the world, spreading the knowledge of food safety, low carbon catering culture, and to create a star gold kitchen concept;






出席活动的嘉宾云集,有郑州市人民政府副秘书长、郑州市人大内司工委主任许福亮,河南省休闲文化协会会长张放涛, IFBA国际餐饮协会河南分会会长禹建海,河南省休闲文化协会副会长、秘书长李贵成,河南豫粮大酒店总经理赵亚华,中国烹饪大师、IFBA国际餐饮协会副主席吕长海,中国烹饪大师、IFBA国际餐饮协会荣誉会长陈进长,中国烹饪大师、IFBA国际餐饮协会执行会长罗新安,亚洲厨王、中华伊尹饮食文化研究会会长、世界华人健康饮食协会主席孔祥道,中华神厨、中国红色岁月餐饮管理有限公司总裁沈超群,河南芦苇花餐饮有限公司总经理张党生,中国烹饪大师陈来成,河南豫粮大酒店餐饮总监、IFBA国际餐饮协会河南分会副会长崔志海,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南焦作市分会会长张民生,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南信阳市分会会长张天宇,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南新乡市分会会长张永安,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南螺河市分会会长徐银华,FBA国际餐饮协会河南洛阳市分会会长张宏波,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南开封市分会会长王国君,IFBA国际餐饮协会河北分会会长高俊宏,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南许昌市分会会长邢宝德,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南分会副会长陈长安,IFBA国际餐饮协会河南省分会副秘书长朱文军,北京五颗松饭店行政总厨庞有才,西安君诚国际酒店行政总厨董立宝等500位餐饮名人;



Attended the forum guests, Zhengzhou Municipal People's government leadership, Chinese cuisine, Asian kitchen Wang, Dean of the IFBA dish, m, eighteen chairman of the city as well as the well-known entrepreneurs and 500 catering celebrity chef;

    在颁奖仪式上,豫菜泰斗、IFBA国际餐饮协会河南分会会长禹建海说:这是河南第一次举办国际性的餐饮交流赛事,这同时也是河南第一次举办低碳餐饮文化主题活动,这更是河南第一次以高标准,高门槛,高规模的餐饮赛事。本次表演赛的表演者都是曾经经历过比赛并获得过技师证书的30岁以上厨师长。他们今天所制作的菜肴充分体现了“低碳、绿色、环保、健康、营养”等先进的科学理念,同时每一道都完全符合食品安全标准,您们,不仅是河南厨师的骄傲,更是中国厨师的骄傲,我希望,您们将这些菜肴带到企业当中去,为企业创造较高的效益,为消费者提供健康的美食。At the ceremony, dish, Dean IFBA International Catering Association of Henan President Yu Jianhai said: This is the first held in Henan international restaurant exchange events, it is also the first held in Henan low carbon catering cultural activities, this is the first time in Henan to a high standard, high threshold, high scale catering events. This second exhibition game players are experienced competition and received the technician certificate 30 years chef. What they make today dishes fully embodies the" low carbon, green, environmental, health, nutrition" and other advanced science and philosophy, at the same time every completely conform to the food safety standards, you are, is not only the Henan chefs pride, is a Chinese chef 's pride, I hope, you will bring these dishes to enterprises, for enterprises to create higher efficiency, to provide consumers with healthy food.





