西故山 > 太极 > 太极心得 > 2011年郑州第三届国际低碳餐饮明星金厨美食表演赛完美谢幕,国际(2)


来源:网络转载 2014-05-08 19:59 编辑: 网络 查看:

    此次表演赛是由21位50岁以上老一辈专家评委现场亮分形式公平公正公开给菜肴打分,最后,由朱伟峰夺得特金奖、徐林登上一等奖的宝座,张长兵郭军伟分别获得二等奖和三等奖。河南豫粮大酒店、河南福满家餐饮有限公司、郑州新郑国际机场民航餐厅,河南芦苇花餐饮有限公司荣获国际低碳餐饮明星企业,随后还为IFBA金马奖、IFBA金球奖、IFBA金像奖、IFBA金厨奖等的获得者颁发了勋章和证书, 闭幕上,本次活动总策划兼秘书长、中国厨师网执行长、世界华人健康饮食协会秘书长何虹氚在闭幕词中说道:美食表演赛的成功属于大家,属于热爱烹饪事业工作者,属于全球中国厨师。表演赛是明星金厨的盛会,是多元文化交流的平台,中国厨师网作为中国唯一的厨师文化传播窗口,这正是与明星金厨美食表演赛的历史性拥抱,所以成就了不一样的精彩,留下了宝贵的厨师文化遗产,凝聚了永恒的美好记忆。大赛的闭幕不是终点,而是全球中国厨师追求进步,传播食品安全、低碳餐饮、超越梦想的新起点。让我们从这里开始,共同创造更加美好的未来。The show is made up of 21 above 50 years old expert judges bright points form the fair public to food, scoring, and finally, by Zhu Weifeng won the special gold medal, Xu Linden on first throne, Zhang Changbing, and Guo Junwei each received two prize and the three prize. Henan Henan grain Le Grand Large Hotel, Henan fu man dining Limited company, Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport Restaurant, Henan reed flower Catering Company Limited was awarded the international low carbon catering star enterprise, then IFBA IFBA Golden Horse Award, Golden Globe Award, IFBA awards, IFBA kitchen Gold Award winner awarded medals and certificates, closing, the activities of the chief secretary, Chinese chefs network executive, the world of Chinese health food association secretary-general He Hong tritium in the closing speech said: food show success belongs to you, to love the cause of cooking workers, belongs to the global Chinese chef. The show 's star gold kitchen event, is a platform for cultural exchanges, Chinese chefs network as the only Chinese chef cultural transmission window, this is the star and gold kitchen food exhibition match historic embrace, so the achievements of different wonderful, left precious cultural heritage of the chef, condensed the eternal memory. Contest closing is not an end, but the global Chinese chef to pursue progress, spread of food safety, low carbon catering, beyond the dreams of the new starting point. Let's start from here, work together to create a better future.















