西故山 > 随笔 > 诗歌大全 > 中国著名女诗人潇潇风采(中英文对照)


来源:网络转载 2017-07-26 00:50 编辑: www.xigushan.com 查看:

中国著名女诗人潇潇风采(Poetess Xiao Xiao)Chinese Well-known Poetess Xiao Xiao's Elegant Demeanour


苏菲诗歌&翻译网-诗人风采-第三位诗人风采展示Sophy Poetry & Translation Website-Poet Demeanour-the Third Poet's Elegant Demeanour


潇潇风采(Poetess Xiao Xiao)





潇潇,诗人、画家、中国现代诗编年史丛书主编、《大诗歌》《青海湖国际诗歌节特刊》执行主编。1993年主编了中国现代诗编年史丛书《前朦胧诗全集》《朦胧诗全集》《后朦胧诗全集》《中国当代诗歌批评全集》。出版诗集有:《树下的女人与诗歌》《踮起脚尖的时间》等。长诗《另一个世界的悲歌》被评为九十年代女性文学代表作之一。有诗作被翻译成德、英、日、法、波斯语、阿拉伯语等。其绘画作品参加了“中国当代诗人艺术展”;“中国当代文人书画展”等。 2009年与人策划、组织了《铭记5•12:这里是四川,这里是中国》大型诗歌朗诵会。曾获首届“探索诗”奖、“中国第三代诗歌功德奖”、“汶川抗震救灾优秀志愿者奖”、“第二届中国诗剧场•诗歌奖”、第五届“闻一多诗歌奖”、“第一朗读者•诗歌成就奖”、2013《现代青年》年度人物•最佳青年诗人。


Xiao Xiao's Bio


Xiao Xiao is a poet, painter, who is the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Modern Poetry Chronicle Series,editor of Great Poems as well as the editor of The Special Issue of the Qinghai Poetry Festival. In 1993, she edited the Chinese Modern Poetry Chronicle Series, which includes The Collected Works of the Pre-Misty Poets, The Collected Works of the Misty Poets, The Collected Works of the Post-Misty Poets, and The Collected Works of Contemporary Chinese Poetry Criticism. Her poetry collections include The Woman and Poems Under the Tree, and Time Standing on Its Tiptoes, among others. Her long poem, “Elegy for Another World” has been named by critics as a representative work of Chinese women poets from the 1990s. Her work has been translated into German, English, French, Japanese, Farsi, and Arabic, among others. Her paintings have been included in exhibits such as the “Exhibit of Contemporary Chinese Poets,” and the “Calligraphy and Art Exhibit of Chinese Contemporary Writers.” In 2009, she was one of the organizers of the large-scale poetry reading, “Engraving in the Memory, May 12, This is Sichuan, This is China.” She is a recipient of an Exploring Poetry Award, and Achievements by A Poet in the Third Generation Award, A Wenchuan Outstanding Volunteer Award for assisting with earthquake relief, A Chinese Poetry Theater Award, the Wen Yiduo Poetry Award, the First Reader Award of Poetic Accomplishment, and the 2013 Modern Youth “Best Young Poet” Award.





1)《悲剧角色》Tragic Role2)《先把死亡喝醉》First, Get Death Drunk3)《秋天的洪水猛兽》The Autumn Flood and the Beast4)《我看见,这颗心》I See This Heart of Mine5)《一部分》One Part 6)飘落的火焰 Flames Drifting Down7)有时,一个词 There are times, a word8)《线条女人》 Woman in Lines












Tragic Role


I can’t look back, even though my legs are numb I can’t move my heels, not out of cowardice or nostalgiaI’m pricked and abandoned by poisonous heartsThe tree fork sways with bloodDeep autumn becomes despotic


Winter comes early, stirring the body, ejaculating earlySleeping on ice dregs, the body like cottonI’m tearing at October, silently enduring, my joints coldThe atmosphere is bound tightly around my chestMercy envelops meLet the wind pluck out each thorn that dehydrates me


Chew up embarrassment and grievances, rotting in the mindForgive sunlight, flaunting itself elsewherePlay well a minor role in a tragic eraNow, tears are medicineshimmering drop by drop, and healing















First, Get Death Drunk


Tell all flying plants to crack open each grain of highland barleyThe flowers and I have the urge to get wastedThrow down the shot glassesOne gust of wind and I’m too drunk to turn back


Highland barley fliesand the cold starts to retreatThe heart is like the roasted chestnuts in Huairoupeeling away from the mouthswallowing and spitting out read gold and silver